Tuesday, February 27, 2007
g33k p0st
(03:40:57 PM) edmond: check first kung version 5 ang ke ben ah
(04:13:02 PM) donna: how will i know
(04:13:30 PM) edmond: nasa box ata
(04:16:27 PM) edmond: http://forums.r4ds.net/showthread.php?t=34
my first straight cut jeans since high school....
and hell get me away from skinny jeans. >_<. i wouldn't touch those unless you paid me.
so, on a usual sunday, i was looking around at powerplant, came across a jeans sale, 50% slashed down from it's original price.
i saw a pair of nice looking jeans. bootleg methinks. it has creases and fade outs on the inner thigh area. it looks nice and it's 50% cheaper than your usual pair.
i tried it on...it looks okay...so i bought it... nuff said.
that's what i get for assuming too much, i'm not eating my own words :))
Sunday, February 25, 2007
greenhills, tiendesitas
my things have changed. i always remembered virramall is this old, dready, and in-shambles mall, now it can rival greenbelt. the crowd is still pretty much the same, i can't really play at ease while my bag is just in between me and the machine while the crowd watched. and i feel wary. but nevertheless it has a lot of things that i want.... like the r4 for example at the cheap price :)

i got the r4 for 2k, and that left us the rest of the morning for lunch and the rest of the afternoon to do whatever we want...

after that we went to the new virramall for a while, looked at the gadgets fawned over the ragnarok model set, looked at laptops, went to the bookstore... wanted to hitch the 2pm shuttle to tiendesitas but wasn't lucky enough to catch the trip, so we walked around some more before catching the 3pm shuttle. :)

when we got to tiendesitas we headed straight for the animal section...i wanted to look at the pets, and to my delight, they have cats

remember this picture...i couldn't get over it...

but when i go back to the thought of it being unloved here...i think i made the right decision...don't want him going through the same shitholes as i am right now...
it was just 5 minutes, but i love him all the same...
after that we had a water break and went back to greenhills to have a snack (tacoes for me, siomai for him) and headed home...

Saturday, February 24, 2007
is it possible...?
i wish i can take you home...you beautiful thing...
too bad, i can only be with you in that moment until the moment is gone...

Friday, February 23, 2007
Cupcakes by sonja
anyway, back to my story, i went yesterday to sonja's to bring cupcakes home to my family since i had a good review of their lemon drop cupcake from my adventure here. the little boy and i had a short snack there. Belgian Cocoa Cupcake in Cream Cheese frosting for me and a vanilla cupcake smothered in chocolate frosting.
since most of the pics are with ben, here are mine when i got home.

Top left: berry almond cupcake with strawberries topped generously in whipped cream
Top middle: strawberry cheesecake cupcake (a sinful treat)
Top right: chocolate cupcake in chocolate frosting (overload)
Bottom left: chocolate cupcake in mocha frosting
Bottom middle:carrot cupcake in cream cheese frosting
Bottom right: vanilla cupcake in lemon frosting (won me over)

well, part 2 soon...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
forgotten chinese christmas
anyway here are some of the mouth-watering pics from the foodtrip...(thank god for the 512MB CF card, i have no regrets whatsoever buying that, even if i got countless of suspicious from parental units.)

(and the fact that the dimsum was brutally murdered by the people)

waiting for food and might be ready to kill
saving myself from unprofessionalism (for now)
yep, this is what i have been poring over the PSP lately. (actually for a whole day yesterday). its a mixing simulation where you are the dj and you spin the notes and make the music sound better or crappy depending on how you press the keys. You can go from drab to fab and unlock songs and gears...
so far I have completed around 15 sounds with Ray Illuminati, Oblivion, and Oblivion Rockin' night style certain favorites...
meanwhile, i'm off to my break
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Tarot Meme
Completion, Good Reward.
The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, and as such represents saturnian energies, time, and completion.
The World card pictures a dancer in a Yoni (sometimes made of laurel leaves). The Yoni symbolizes the great Mother, the cervix through which everything is born, and also the doorway to the next life after death. It is indicative of a complete circle. Everything is finally coming together, successfully and at last. You will get that Ph.D. you've been working for years to complete, graduate at long last, marry after a long engagement, or finish that huge project. This card is not for little ends, but for big ones, important ones, ones that come with well earned cheers and acknowledgements. Your hard work, knowledge, wisdom, patience, etc, will absolutely pay-off; you've done everything right.
Take the Test to Find Out.
long ago vday update - part 2
i felt like a tourist, armed with a camera and my funkier clothing. (leather choker with spikes, a black ace card tank top over a white collared shirt, a red and black checkered tie, bellbottom jeans and my converse chucks).

i walked in and i was greeted with red roses everywher ein boquets, in tubs filled with water, mums all around and exotic flowers and what nots.
so after picking a long stem pink rose that is still tightly budded, i took a few pictures...these two coming out the best.

served with sweet and spicy dipping sauce

it was a different valentines for me, but it was great one...