Thursday, September 13, 2007

So, this is it.

It has been another usual day. The usual pondering in the glaring screen. A little gelato treat to lift the spirits and to soothe the soul. the soft and powdery flavor of cappuccino and mangoes have brightened my mood on this rainy thursday. And I treated Helen to her melon gelato which have eased her stressed predicament since the whole DD phase.

When the e-mail came of his cake and gift, that's when the realization hit me, it will be his last day, and I was far away to be able to clap to the speech and make the usual dry comments that made me, me.

17:00 hours, and the speeches began. I have missed the 0.75 hours busy editing my code only to be reminded by the little boy that the speeches are over and that was that. The ultimo adios of the Super Engineer, Bomberman addict, Ned-Ad guy, Pillar of NSP, one of the greatest people in the office, and simply put, my friend.

It had the same feeling as when she left. A sick little pang in the stomach. No tears in my eyes (it's difficult for me to cry lately...), but I know I'd be missing a lot. The laughter, get-togethers and talks that may or may not be continued in the future. But I can safely say I have gathered enough memories for those two years to relive the memories over and over again.

Let go. But never forget.

To grow means to move on, and people are growing. Left and right, they have sprouted wings and have risked to take flight, away from the safe cocoon and into the vast skies.

Soon, I will be flying as well.

じゃ、また あとで.

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