Thursday, August 16, 2007

Shameless plugging.

m9dhatter started a food review blog called eatsmychoice.

I requested to be one of the contributors, so if you like food and you have trouble deciding where to or not to eat, swing by the site. :)

Monday, August 13, 2007


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


i woke up early to start the week early and hopefully end the week early. i walked to the office bouncing to fall out boy's infinity on high album. and stopped by at starbucks for my missed caffeine fix.

so i ordered my usual. (the person who prolly has been with me on my recent caffeine escapades would know what i order) and I sat on the not-so-sink-into-me chairs at starbucks in i2.

yeah somethings missing. or maybe a someone.
i saved you a seat my friend.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

the deafening sound of silence

as we walked to the office, i had vin on full blast. funny little feeling was playing until i got to my cubicle here in the office.

the music was loud, but it was peaceful to my ears.

until i pressed stop and suddenly i was stunned at the roaring sound of silence.

the place was quiet. and it was as if death had succumbed into the room. echoes of nothingness screamed in my ears.

it was really weird.