Saturday, May 5, 2007

making the day both wasteful and productive

Ah, another saturday of doing nothing and everything in a short span of approximately 12 hours. like today, I managed to crawl out of bed at my own will without the usual callings of "it's already 7am" or "are you going to take us to school?" without me rolling around mumbling to myself and maybe to them "just 5 more minutes please...5 more minutes"

i managed to infuse again my photoshop knowledge during the day, web layouts, textures, backgrounds, dotted lines, layouting, coloring, tracing, layering, the natural high of artistic creation was amazing. i sorely missed it. but today was one of the first times I was immensely absorbed with photoshop without stopping midway on a layout or on a project.

it's summer. and the heat is just excruciating. i'm sweating just sitting in the living room slaving on the supposed "art".

eating the macapuno ice cream didn't really help either. i just want to dump it on my head.

*sigh* next stop...HTML and CSS yet again. w00t.

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