i started with my desk. which held two file holders for a bunch of stuff. i took everything out and sifted through it. thesis papers from college, property listings, old newspaper/menagerie clippings, piano sheets, guitar tabs, random bric-a-brac, used diskettes, dusty old books like Technical Drafting and A Guide To Windows 95 Programming, a bunch of other stuff. Winry (roel's external HD) was also there plus a bunch of random chords and adapters so i transfered them to the table where the old PC and Wilson was resting.
I managed to reduce 50% of crap and turned one of the file holders into my toiletries kit. after disinfecting it. keke.
here is the semi uncluttered desk. it looks better, there are no before pics. but i assure you. it looked like crap. everything was everywhere. there's the blue file holder which used to hold a bunch of random papers and notes, i changed it to hold all my girly regimen things like acetone moisturizer and other things that baffle the minds of men. LOL
after the cleanup went below and hauled the two boxes filled with even more stuff
box #1 held a bunch of papers, quizzes, notes and whatnots from my highschool->college days.
here's my entrance exam results for UST. I was wait-listed for IT and passed for Journalism. With that my future held a crossroad. Both dream courses are lined out for me. All I have to do now is choose. (Journ in USTe and BSCS in DLSU)
I'd rather be green i guess. :) plus in those times. Computer Science was 1337.
which brings me to a bunch of other memorabilia from DLSU... take a look at my first EAF...
18 units, CMPRG1 (Computer Programming1 in C), ALTRIG1 (Algebra and Trigonometry 1), INTROSO (Introduction to Sociology), BASICON (Basic Computer Concepts), Orient1 (?), RELSONE (Religion 1), and PEONEPF (PE 1 Physical Fitness). It even has that faulty barcode where I had to wave furiously at the also faulty scanner and getting jeered at by the upperclassmen >_<.
one of my other prouder moments was I never failed the dreaded ANMATH series. I happen to like Math, and I was very okay with it. It's kinda sad now I look at the problems and a little 'WTF' bubble is now in my head. here's the first quiz of Anmath2... about opposite of derivatives what was the...oh yeah, integrals :D I remember I did an 80 something on this quiz...
so after sifting box # 1, i went to box # 2 i found my boxes and boxes of letters and pictures
the next few parts weren't documented anymore since my older sister barged in and started taking things from the cabinet and throwing them out. i was planning on saving the cabinets on a later date but since she already tossed everything out, i had no choice but to fix them up as well...so my whole day was concentrated on fixing our room.
not to mention when she does this face its scary as hell. o_O
anyway, the cleaning fest was almost over and here's the final look. sister and i have to find boxes and containers for the cluttered stuff. we even used the new sheets already. the blue and white checkered bed is mine.
if you look closely at the desk, those are my bath stuffs. i had a long shower after the cleanup. i look like some dirty hobo who was rolling around in filth. my feet looked as if i was running around in the mud and my hands are grubby like a little boy who was off playing outside. there's a) Pond's Advanced Acne Facial Wash. b) Sunsilk Strong Ends with Lemon and Kiwi extract b) Sarah Michaels Jasmine and Waterlily bath wash. and d) Watson's Lavender Foot Scrub.
yes, I'm actually a girl :p
and as a reward, I had a starbucks frapuccino in a bottle...Now, I'm off to bed. Good night. :P
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