Tuesday, June 26, 2007

well-rounded siya...

This was one of the first few times I was assessed not in the spectrum of my own little world.

Frankly, it felt good.

The surprise, the interest, and the curious little cats that gave me a really good once over, took down notes, asked me questions, of the most technical and the most mundane (you drink?). and the questions that ripped and boggled my brain, lighting up in different areas at the same time in pure logical and creative joy.

I missed that. SO much.

Anyway, a thud to reality. I woke up. And I was back in my own cubicle. My d610 laptop, my flip-flapping plant, my books and brochures lined up, the piles of paper everywhere, my 2 mugs for pens and disposable utensils.

It was a pierce of the otherworld. It was fun, but it was nice to be back.

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