Tuesday, February 27, 2007

my first straight cut jeans since high school....

i remember buying my first elephant pants 2000, after that my taste matured and i switched to bellbottoms. I have a lot of bellbottoms, light jeans, dark jeans, slacks, i still have a few elephant pants (now called square), and i vowed never to wear straight cut/bootleg/all those other variations again.

and hell get me away from skinny jeans. >_<. i wouldn't touch those unless you paid me.

so, on a usual sunday, i was looking around at powerplant, came across a jeans sale, 50% slashed down from it's original price.

i saw a pair of nice looking jeans. bootleg methinks. it has creases and fade outs on the inner thigh area. it looks nice and it's 50% cheaper than your usual pair.

i tried it on...it looks okay...so i bought it... nuff said.

that's what i get for assuming too much, i'm not eating my own words :))

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