Sunday, February 11, 2007

preparation for arrival

of all luck of lucks...the shopping trip yesterday paid off. i was waiting for my mom to get to SSHS, then I get this phone call from an anonymous number.

--start of transmission--

Me: Hello
Dude: Hello?
Me: Hello?
Dude: Should we buy it?
Me: Edmond?!! They have it?!
Edmond: Yep, they have it. so are we buying it?
Me: In black?!?
Edmond: Yep.
Me: How much is it? 6.7?
Edmond: 6.8.
Me: YES! Thanks so much! :D (well it seems so appropriate to place the smilies because that how i look when i got the news)
Edmond: okay :)

--end of transmission--

Edmond called me from japan and told me the details, so in a month (or two weeks) whatever happens, i'll be getting my baby :D :D

so I have been thinking a name for it. since it's black. I was thinking maybe something dark and powerful. It's a boy like wilson. so I wanted something like god of the underworld. or god of darkness haha

since its a japanese baby... harhar, i saw a list of japanese gods and goddesses ended up picking Amida - God of Death. from Tsuki Yumi (God of Moon) or Amatsu Mikaboshi -(God of Evil)

well laters :D

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